We want to acknowledge you for your courage and commitment to yourself for embarking on this personal growth journey. As a teacher we focus first on ourselves, loving ourselves and the ongoing mastery of our gifts... then we have the ability to impact many others in a positive and powerful way.
Mindfulness Key
Meditation with single focus on the physical body, asana.
mula bandha (Engaging the root)
Uddiyana bandha (Engaging the diaphram lock)
Jarandala bandha (Engaging the chin lock & bringing the tongue to the roof of the mouth.)
Mala bandha (Engaging all three bandhas simultaneously)
We invite you to practice engaging the bandhas during all your yoga practices, as well as randomly throughout the day.
Sun Salutation, Surya Namaskar C
This is the traditional surya namaskara and my favorite of all the sun salutations! What is great about the sun salutation is the variety of movements... inversions, ff, backbends... as well as variations we can add. Surya Namaskar is a perfect way to begin your day. Enjoy!
Module 1: Anatomy Homework
Science of Yoga- By Ann Swanson
pages 10 & 11 Cell to System
Pages 46-52 Poses Seated (Accomplished), Bound Angel (Baddhakonasana, Butterfly), Cat.
The Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book. By Kelly Solloway
Pages 15 & 27 Poses Forward Fold, Warrior II, Revolved Triangle, Handstand, Scorpion
Vocabulary & Systems of the Body
Week One Zoom Meeting:
Day & Time: Monday 9 am MST
Grace Elizabeth is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Grace Elizabeth's Personal Meeting Room
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 235 467 7826
Passcode: 2tSSpw
Weekly Lessons
Welcome to Week 1
Body Temple
Asana I
Asana II
Ethics & Biz
Daily Practice
Daily Practice
Ecstatic Yoga Youtube
Monday thru Friday
(3) Ecstatic Yoga - YouTube

Meet the Instructors
See Below
Self Love
Self Reflection
Module 1: Anatomy Homework
Science of Yoga- By Ann Swanson
pages 10 & 11 Cell to System
Pages Pages 46-52 Poses Seated (Accomplished), Bound Angel (Baddhakonasana, Butterfly), Cat.
The Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book. By Kelly Solloway
Pages 15 & 27 Poses Forward Fold, Warrior II, Revolved Triangle, Handstand, Scorpion
Vocabulary & Systems of the Body