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Diane Cunningham

Ecstatic Love 

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Registered Nurse

Master's Degree

Director of Nursing/Education

Life Coach

Reiki Master



International Speaker

There is a Biblical saying in 1st Corinthians about Love. It says it is patient and kind, not arrogant or rude, resentful….it rejoices in truth. In order to learn the truth, you must experience the challenges of love as Diane has in her 80-plus years of living. Love is also Loss and in Diane’s life, she’s let go of a newborn baby boy, her husband, friends. Love is also grief. If this feels real to you, if you feel mired in love-related heart “loss”, Diane has learned and perfected many approaches over the years. She’d love to share them with you within her 3-1 hour classes and beyond. She has shown her love and compassion for others through service to hundreds of people and continues to do so today. She’s eager to share a lifetime of wisdom with you.


Ecstatic Love Mentor Diane Cunningham, is a Registered Nurse with a Masters in Health Education and was the Director of Nursing/Education at the University of Utah. As a lifelong learner she is certified in many complimentary medicines (such as NLP, Reiki, Shamanism) which makes her the perfect bridge between traditional medicine and integrative healthcare. She has served as a college professor, administrator, as well as a Life and Business Coach with marketing expertise in her own business. As a published author, she’s traveled internationally as a speaker spreading seeds of wisdom and positivity along her path. Her time spent teaching and coaching staff, students, and clients was some of the most rewarding work she’s done. Diane’s personal vision is to assist people in living up to their highest potential


Diane's Course Descriptions


Why Is It So Hard to Just Love ME!!

You probably set some pretty high expectations for yourself and when you don’t quite reach them it’s hard to give yourself a pat on the back. Maybe you thought you’d be farther along by this time in your life or making more money, living more like how you imagined it to be. Maybe you look in the mirror and things just don’t look right or the proposal you turned in at work could have been more detailed. These self-disparaging thoughts are the thieves that rob you of the Feeling of Worthiness. Worthiness is what makes Self-Care a Priority. It drives the value of your time, your personal needs and your overall health….in other words, “HOW YOU SHOW LOVE TO YOURSELF!” Learn a variety of tools/strategies to set up your own self-care practices! The practices that you give to yourself daily, little ceremonies of joy, commit Laura Gisborne’s 8 Things to memory.


What is holding me back from creating my ideal life?

Where do we begin? How many times do you tell yourself to get out of your own way. It’s harder than we think and, why is that? First of all, Diane takes you through a journey of your own physical and emotional clutter. After that, let’s get that time management in order and then it’s time to tackle the biggest blockers: Limiting Beliefs and Procrastination So what do you want out of life? Not just any life but your IDEAL LIFE? Let’s open the gateway of ideas and opportunities so that yes, YOU CAN get out of your own way!!


I thought I knew Why I Was Here BUT MAYBE NOT??!!

As we move through different stages of our life and our needs shift, so will our purpose. We see new ways to apply our skills or feel a new calling to completely go a different direction. What are you supposed to do with that? First step? CLARITY! Diane will take you on a Passion Quest, you’ll learn how to use a Dream Pyramid and the best part? Finding your Original Wound where your passion started. Think about this - Did you know that it’s natural to use old wounds as pivot points to finding your Purpose?




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