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Pranayama Practice's
Vitalizing Practice
Mindful Breath (3 min)
Passive observance of the breath, scan sensations.
Belly Breathing (3 min)
Breathing into the lower belly
Durga Pranayama (3 min)
3 part yogic breath, belly, ribs & chest
Nadi Shodhana (3 min)
Alternate nostril breathing
Samavritti (3 rounds each)
Even breathing 4 w/out retention, 4, 6, 4
Sitkari (3 min or 5-10 rounds)
Hissing breath; tongue on roof. Inhale thru tongue, hold, exhale slowly thru nostrils, hold.
Brahmari (5 min) close ears w/hands
Buzzing Bee; Inhale, long exhale with humming
Belly Breath (3 min)
Breathing into the lower belly only.
Mindful Breath (3 min)
Breath awareness, scan inner bodies & being.
Mindful Breath (3 min)
Passive observance of the breath, scan sensations.
Belly Breathing (3 min)
Breathing into the lower belly only, trigger relaxation
Durga Pranayama (3 min)
3 part yogic breath, belly, ribs & chest
Chandra Bhedana (3 min) Ida
Piercing the moon, inhale left, hold, exhale right, hold.
Surya Bhedana (3 min) Pingala
Piercing the sun, inhale right, hold, exhale left, hold.
Ujjiya (5 min)
Hissing breath; tongue on roof. Inhale thru tongue, hold, exhale slowly thru nostrils, hold.
Viloma (2 min inhale & 2 min exhale)
Against the current; Exhale... inhale belly & pause, ribs & pause, chest & pause; exhale slowly.
Inhale... exhale 1 pause, exhale 2 pause, exhale 3 pause, exhale 4 pause.
Kapalabhati/Bhastika/Breath of Fire
Kapal: Exhale belly to spine & expel breath rapidly.
Inhale drawn in naturally. Hold on exhale.
Bhas: Inhale & exhale forcefully @navel 15-30 cycles
Breath of Fire: Inhale & Exhale forcefully @navel
Hold on the inhale, fold forward on exhale.
Belly Breath (3 min)
Breathing into the lower belly only.
Mindful Breath (3 min)
Breath awareness, scan inner bodies & being.
Cooling & Balancing Practice
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