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Dirga Pranayama
Steps to practice
Possible Benefits
-Slows the breathing process
- Reduces stress, hypertension
- Supports the heart
- Brings relaxation
- Decreases anxiety
- Increases peace of mind
- Supports apana vayu balancing digestion & menstrual flow.
- Can be too cooling
- Extreme low blood pressure
Three Part Yogic Breathing
Sitting: chair, cushion, block
"Dirgha" means to lengthen
This pranayama is a combination of:
-Belly or diaphragmatic breathing
-Ribs or thoracic breathing
-Chest or clavicular breathing
Putting them together in a wave like motion for full yogic breathing.
- Inhale slowly, filling the lower abdomen first, allowing the breath and prana to fill the pelvic floor, then like a wave expand the breath into the ribs and lastly filling the breath into the upper lungs, chest and clavicles.
-Exhale slowly releasing the upper lungs and clavicle, then the rib cage descend toward belly, and finally draw the lower belly slightly back to the spine.
(Belly soft)
-Allow exhale to fall naturally
-Belly firm during practice
-Abdomen soft, breathing reversed
(Reversed; from chest to belly)
-Abdomen firm, breathing reversed
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