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Analytics: Butterfly Pose
Sanskrit, Badhakonasana
& Variations
* Improves digestion
* Stretch's inner thigh & groin
* Improves fatigue
* Relieves menstrual
* Groin or knee injury
* Sciatica
* Low back disorders
# Bring hands under feet
# Cushion under outer thigh
#Place elbows on thighs and press thighs down to floor
From, seated position with legs outstretched
Buttocks, tops of hamstrings, ankles and feet
Spine erect and elongated, avoid rounding back
Soles of feet together & in toward groin
Knees and thighs pressing down toward floor
Knees and thighs pressing down toward floor
Spine erect
* Bring legs out wide in a V shape, spine erect
* Bend knees, bring souls of feet together toward pelvis
* Clasp both hands around feet, holding them firmly
* Inhale extending the spine, press thighs & knees to floor
* Gently pulse legs up and down, like flapping your butterfly wings, begin slow and increase speed.
* Finish by slowing the pulsing motion to a stop
* Inhale and elongate spine
* Exhale hinge forward, keep chin up, spine erect
* Hold stretch, breath, notice sensation in thighs
* On inhale bring the torso up
Engage Bandhas, Relax Deeply & Breath
Coming Out of the Pose
* On exhale release posture, bring legs outstretched in front of you
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