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Analytics: Knees to Chest Pose

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Sanskrit, Apanasana



   & Variations 

- Relieves constipation and digestive issues.
- Assists apana vayu to it's normal flow.
- Eases menstrual
- Stretch's lower spine and back.
- Opens hips
- Eases anxiety
- Massages pelvic organs.


- Rib injury


- Hold the hamstrings if knees are sensitive.





From, supine position, laying on back

-Back body
- Single, back body and back of single leg

- squeezing knees into armpit area, not rib cage

- Both knees into chest toward armpit
- Single knee, two simultaneous lines of energy, knee into chest toward armpit and outstretched leg pressing into the earth.


Double Knees to Chest
- Exhale bring both knees in toward the chest toward the armpit to protect the ribs.
- Wrap the arms around the shins, gently drawing the knees into the torso.
- Hold the Bandhas and breath

Single Knees to Chest
- Exhale bringing one knee in toward the chest toward the armpit to protect the ribs.
- Wrap the arms around the shin, gently drawing the knees into the torso.
_ Press the thigh of the extended leg down toward the earth.


 Engage Bandhas & Breath

 Coming Out of the Pose

* On exhale, slowly release back bend, rolling spine onto floor, like a string of pearls.. one vertebra at a time, from the upper thorasic to lower lumbar. Allow tail to relax

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