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Steps to practice

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Possible Benefits

- Activates Pingala Nadi.
- Increases oxygen in the body
- Brings heat to the body
- Improves cardiovascular health
- Increases energy, vitalizing
- Improves physical performance
- Aids in weight loss
- Balances vata dosha
- Activates kundalini



- Acid reflux
- Fever
- Hypertension
- Heart disorders
- Anxiety

Piercing the Sun

Surya means sun and represents the yang/masculine qualities of the Pingala Nadi. Bhedana means "To pass through" "To pierce" "To awaken" Meaning the Breath passing through the yang energy. Fills the Pingala Nadi with Prana, activating the solar energy channels in the pranamayakosha (energy body). The Pingala Nadi begins at the root chakra on the right side of the tail bone spirals up the Sushumna Nadi and ends at the right nostril. 

Position: Seated, cushion, chair, block.

- Use the vishnu mudra in right hand and close off the left nostril with your ring (Index) finger.
-Inhale, breathing gently and deeply through the right nostril.
- Use the finger to close the right nostril (Both nostrils closed) hold the breath for a comfortable pause.
- Release the finger and exhale out the left nostril (Keeping the right nostril closed)
- Suspend the breath naturally at the bottom of the exhale.
-Repeat for a 5-10 breath's.


- Engaging the bandhas while retaining the breath.
- Do not retain breath
- Bring your awareness to the left side of the body during breath retention.



Surya Bhedana

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