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Ecstatic Yoga Immersions

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 Immersions Directory

EY Thumb Kriya (1).jpeg
EY Ceremony Immersion (4).jpeg
EY Ethics_Business (2).jpeg
Mindfulness Day 1 (2).jpeg
EY Body Temple Immersion (2).jpeg
Samadhi Immersion Thumb (1).jpeg
EY Asana 1 Immersion Thumbnail (1).jpeg
EY Asana 2 Immersion (3).jpeg

Immersion Directory

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EY Self Love Ceremony

Sacred Cacao Ceremony

Sacred Space, Blessing, Releasing, Intention, Invocation, Offering, Celebration, Samadhi


Sacred Space

Preparation of the space. (Preparation of the Cacao in plant medicine preparation course)


-Sanctuary of Light 




-Sage Participants

-Call in the Four Directions & Beings of Light

-Gratitude Blessing



-Letting go of all that no longer serves

-Releasing Ceremony

-Releasing Prayer



-Global Intention, PEACE

-CommUnity Intentions

-Personal Intentions



-Invoke Spirit

-Invoke Intentions into cacao medicine




-Blessing Cacao

-Taking the Medicine

-Heart Opening Pranayama







Samadhi & Sealing


-Final Blessing and Sealing

-Gratitude & Namaste





Sacred Space

Preparation; Before participants arrive, create sacred space.


Cleansing & Energetic Purification

-Cleanse, sage/element of your choice

Sanctuary of Light

-Create a sphere of light

-Create a sacred alter


Bless Space


Cleansing & Energetic Purification



Cleanse yourself

Cleanse and Center yourself prior to cleansing your space. State an intention or prayer that your energy is pure and clear as you cleanse this sacred space. If you are in a negative space that through cleansing, intention and prayer cannot be overcome, allow someone else to cleanse the space.


Cleanse the sacred space

You may use sage, blessed incense, palo santo or any other natural energetic, spiritual cleansing ritual. With sage it is a great idea to use a real feather to allow the smoke to gently be brushed throughout the space, above, below, in the corners of the space, the bathrooms and even behind furniture… wherever feels right.


Sanctuary of light

I (Insert your name), call upon All the powers in Heaven, All the Powers in the Universe aligned with pure love, Truth and Light to be here now and assist me to serve the children of light.

Create with your hands moving from your heart center outstretched and around visually including the space you want to seal, a real yet invisible circular wall of pure protective light, allowing only energies, serving the most sacred and holiest of purpose that are aligned with pure love and light to enter the sacred inner space of this sanctuary of light. We intentionally create protective walls of light that surround and protect this sacred sanctuary, walls of light that are infinitely high, stretching into space and the highest heavens and infinitely deep stretching through the earth, below the earth to the infinite depths of all creation.


Blessing the space

Prayer, Intention, Blessing


We bless this space and all who will enter, we call in Our Beloved, God of our understanding, Creator, Source, Infinite All Loving Presence,, Holy Spirit, Jesus the Christ, Alla, John The Beloved, all Masters, Ancestors, Past Loved Ones, icluding animals, All Loving Saints, Angels, Archangels and beings of pure love and light to bless this space and all those who enter it. We call in all the powers of Heaven, the Universe and the Galactic Federation based in pure love and light. We call in Spiritual Saints, Masters, healers, ancestors, sacred light and love lineage, past loved ones, Spirit Guides, Soul family members and any and all beings of pure love and light who wish to spiritually empower, bless and heal this space and all those who enter. A Ho, Amen, And so it is, Om, Namaste. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your service.





Sage participants invoking purity


Calling in Light Beings & The Four Directions

Gratitude Blessing


Sage participants invoking purity


You may use sage, blessed incense, palo santo or any other natural energetic, spiritual cleansing ritual. With sage it is a great idea to use a real feather to allow the smoke to gently be brushed over their body.

Cleanse and Center yourself prior to cleansing your participants. State an intention or prayer that your energy is pure and clear as you cleanse participants. If you are in a negative space that through cleansing, intention and prayer cannot be overcome, allow someone else to cleanse participants.

It is best to invite the participant to allow the front of the body first going down both arms and hands and both legs, then invite participant to turn around so you can cleanse the back of the body, over the head and when behind asking them to lift one foot at a time to cleanse the feet.

Once they are done, invite them to again turn around to face front and bow to them with hands in prayer position, honoring them and their ceremonial process and journey.


Calling In

Calling in Beings of Light

We call upon the all loving beings known and unknown, that are wholly aligned with absolute Truth, pure love and pure light, who have our highest and greatest good at heart and wish to assist us, serve us, heal us and open us up to receive your wisdom and healing. We invite you to open our consciousness in a safe and powerful way so that we are more expansive and able to serve in higher ways. Thank you for blessing us with your holy presence for this ceremony

We invite the guardians of light, all loving powers of the Universe, John, Our Beloved, all past loved ones and ancestors aligned with pure love and light. We invite into this sacred space all willing Spiritual masters, angels, arch angels, spirit guides, sacred lineage, ancestors and beings of the light who are aligned with pure love and light to serve the highest and greatest good of all present here now.

We bless this space with pure love, pure light, infinite peace, miracles, beauty and grace.

We bless each beloved present with sacred and pure love, light, beauty, grace, an open heart and mind and a peace that passes all understanding.

We surround this space with the miraculous power of love, knowing we are an equal corner of the Infinite Universe. We are equal beings of the Universe coming together in great love and peace for the purpose of deepening our self-love and aligning with our deepest truth and service to our soul, our community, the Universe and the God of our understanding.

Thank you to all who have come, our gratitude and love are unending. Amen.


Calling in the Four Directions

Four Directions Prayer

Creator, it is I. Thank you for today's sunrise, for the breath and life within me, and for all of your creations. Creator hear my prayer and honor my prayer.

Calling in the power of the energies of the East…

As the day begins with the rising sun, I ask, spirit keeper of the east, Brother Eagle, be with me. Fly high as you carry my prayers to the creator. May I have eyes as sharp as yours, so I am able to see truth and hope on the path I have chosen. Guide my step and give me courage to walk the circle of my life with honesty and dignity.

Calling in the energies of the South…

Spirit keeper of the south, Wolf, be with me. Help me to remember to love and feel compassion for all mankind. Help me to walk my path with joy and love for myself, for others, for the four legged, the winged ones, the plants and all creation upon Mother Earth. Show me it is right for me to make decisions with my heart, even if at times, my heart becomes hurt. Help me to grow and nurture my self-worth in all ways.

Calling in the energies of the West…

Spirit keeper of the west, Brown Bear, be with me. Bring healing to the people I love and to myself. Bring into balance the physical, mental and spiritual, so I am able to know my place on this earth, in life and in death. Heal my body, heal my mind and bring light, joy and awareness to my spirit.

Calling in the energies of the North…

Spirit keeper of the north, White Buffalo, be with me. As each day passes, help me to surrender, with grace, the things of my youth. Help me to listen to the quiet and find serenity and comfort in the silences as they become longer. Give me wisdom so I am able to make wise choices in all things which are put in front of me, and when time for my change of worlds has come, let me go peacefully, without regrets, for the things I neglected to do as I walked along my path.

Mother Earth, thank you for your beauty, and for all you have given me. Remind me never to take from you more than I need and remind me to always give back more than I take.

- Vera Dery


Gratitude Blessing

We bless this space and all sacred participants with gratitude and love. We send our deepest love and gratitude to all beings of love and light on all dimensions that have kindly and generously came to serve and empower this sacred ceremony and all participants of this sacred ceremony. Our heartfelt love and gratitude has no end. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Namaste.








Clearing & Letting Go

Invite participants to write down a list of items to clear all that no longer serve them from their life and consciousness… what they wish to be released. Have them list their items on ceremonial paper (Either flash paper or any other type of paper that can be easily dissolved in water or safely burned in fire.)

Invite them to write down all that no longer serves them,,, any fears, toxic relationships, attachments, anger, hatred, unforgiveness, unhealed wounds, pain cycles, disempowered ways of being, scarcity, victim thinking, judgments, limitations and limited conditioning.



Releasing Ceremony

Intentional Releasing Prayer;

We call upon the powers within and without aligned with our highest interests and greatest good to wholly release for each participant all that they have on their lists and all that no longer serves them. That all that does not empower their lives. We surrender to letting go of the past and creating a space of clearing and emptiness for our new life intentions filled with love, peace, empowerment, beauty and grace. We are grateful to step onto this new path of unlimited good and blessed opportunity.



Burning and Clearing Process:

We are ready now to let go of all that no longer serves us. When you are ready and spirit prompts you, we invite you now to burn your list. Walk slowly to the center of the circle, or the firepit and when ready drop your list in the fire to be burned and released from your life and consciousness.


Have participants take turns, at their prompting, to release their clearing by burning it in the fire, or dissolving it in the water.

allowing it to be taken to flight in the air or planted in the Earth. 



We sit as community released from our pasts, free from all that no longer serves us, a clear slate and open hearts and minds. We offer this empty canvas to the pure consciousness of our natural state, the eternal Self within the innermost sanctuary of our hearts. We are ready now to place within our hearts our empowered intentions for our highest and greatest good at this time in our lives. We have weeded out all that we have needed to let go of from our past and prepared rich and fertile soil for our hearts desires to manifest through us. We sit in love and gratitude for this releasing. We are grateful of our own precious hearts for this release, for the courage and spiritual power within us to consciously prepare the way for conscious and empowered intentions to manifest in our lives with ease and grace.







Global Intention

CommUnity intention

Personal intentions with candle lighting


Global Intention; World Peace

We set forth and empower into this space the intention for world peace, community peace and personal peace... now and for all time and all eternity. That all beings on and within our home Mother Earth are wholly peaceful, thriving and free this day and for all days. Amen. A ho, So it is.


CommUnity ceremonial intention; Fund/Aware: John & Tyes Youth Outreach.

As a community, joined together today, we state powerfully the intention of this ceremony for John & Tyes Youth Outreach.manifest in the perfect way according to Divine Will, we intend for a deepening of self love, self appreciation, self acceptance. That we may more and more deeply love, respect, honor, cherish, treasure and adore our very own being, the one that never leaves us, our most faithful companion, the alive, aware, alert and all loving consciousness that lives within us, as us, with us, for us in every instant of time and for all eternity. We intend for peace with our self, deep connection and love for our most intimate and vulnerable inner being… the most sensitive yet infinitely powerful aspect of our very own self.


Individual intentions with candle lighting

Each individual participant read silently to themselves their personal  intention for the ceremony and hold that intention to their hearts. When they are ready they can light their candle, as they light their candle state,


“I am wholly deserving of all these intentions, as a child of the Universe I am deserving of unlimited good to come to me and through me now and for all eternity.”


The invitation is also to invite the Higher Self, Soul Power, the God of your understanding…  Source of your existence and that which sustains your existence to assist in bringing forth your intentions.






Spiritual Power




Spiritual Power

We evoke the living Spirit of life, the unlimited power of the all loving Universe to immerse this ceremony and the plant medicine cacao offering we drink tonight with its all loving Power and Grace.



We declare that the all-loving intentions... personal, comunity and world peace, that all our good intentions global, community and personal intention of radical self love immerse and empower the sacred cacao offering.  



Let us pause for a moment in silence to invoke these spiritual powers and all loving and deserving intentions set forth into the sacred mother cacao plant medicine. Knowing the cacao is the Mother plant on this sacred planet, full of compassion and love, nurturing and kindness, immersed with wisdom. Empowered with all that is good and beautiful.


The mother will give her child what is best, not always as they picture.






Distribute the plant medicine

Opening the Heart to Receive

Gratitude and Silence 


Distribute the plant medicine

Pour the cacao into individual cups and be sure each participant has a cup of the sacred plant medicine.


Opening the Heart to Receive

Bringing the plant medicine to your heart holding your intention

Focus your attention on your heart and your intentions, allow your intentions for yourself, your life, all your unlimited good to become one with the cacao plant medicine. Bring your awareness to the physical space in the center of your chest and notice if you can sense your precious heart beating. Notice the part of you that loves. The part of you that is most fully alive. That pure original state, wholly innocent, all loving child of the Universe that dwells within you. That unchanging sacred, infinite self that has lived infinitely long before the body and continues infinitely long after the body… the true Self, eternal Self, wholly as Source has created you to be.

Breathe deeply. Let your chest and heart expand, and allow your awareness to embrace the eternal beauty of who and what you are exactly as you are now and always. You are enough. Bask in this moment as it is and as you are. 


Gratitude and Silence 

Taking the plant medicine in gratitude and silence together

Together in silence let us slowly and gratefully sip our sacred intention. Rest in silence as your heart receives the plant medicine and intentions. Bask in the silence of the open, empty heart.





Dancing & Movement

Rattle, Music & Chanting



Begin the celebration with a 5 -10 minute Ecstatic Breath process


Dancing & Movement

Take participants through a guided ceremonial asana flow

Have live or recorded music for participants to celebrate with Ecstatic Dance, experiencing joy and rapture together.

Rattle, Music & Chanting

Conclude the celebration with instruments and Ecstatic Chanting concluding with a final chant.



Closing Circle


Closing Blessing




Invite participants to move into relaxation, savasana position on their backs, body relaxed and guided into to a 10 minute deep silent samadhi experienc.


As we rest in surrender and peace, we integrate all the empowerment and all loving energies of this ceremony into all levels of our being for our highest and greatest good.

Sens ing the physical body allowing it to relax deeply into Mother Earth, knowing she will hold you and support your body now. Let go and relax. How sacred, holy and wholly beautiful are you? How sacred an experience for your infinite Holy Spirit to  embody this temporary material form, to bring the love of your being, deep within your heart and the light of your soul and consciousness into your outer life manifested life, to bless your family, friends, your circle of influence. Sinking into your energy body... feel that shushumna great river surge up your spine, activating all the chakras major and minor. Silence into silence... Basking and sinking deeper within the sacuary of your heart to the manomaya kosha and pratyahara, basking in the inner aliveness and emotional ecstatic impulses... always arising with deep love and gratitude for you, the one who is always with you, who never abandons you, the beloved you have seeking. No more need to seek ever, you have found your own precious awareness, the inner being and eternal best friend. Immerse this beloved Self with love, send a flood of gratitude to your own sacred heart.


12 minutes silence.


Closing Gratitude Blessing

We bless and send our overflowing love and gratitude to our own hearts, this sacred community, the entire planet Earth and the beings of light from all dimensions for unifying together for this empowerment self love ceremony. We seal in a fierce and boundless love for our sacred self, we seal ins all intentions, empowerments, healing energies, love and light from this ceremony into our being to serve our highest and greatest good and the good of all.

Gratitude & Namaste


Thank you, thank you, thank you.



I honor the place in you in which the entire universe dwells, I honor the place in you that is peace, love, light and truth. When you are in that place in you and I am in that place in me, we are one, Namaste.



Open sharing

Allow time for each participant to rest into silence and after the appropriate silence according to the energy of the group, as the group basks in the silent raputre within, the nectar. 
Then invite all participants to share any experiences, insights, remembrances. Only if they would like.

As the leader you can share your experiences and reflect back when feeling guided. Pray for all heart centered communications to be shared. Keep it brief to allow others to share. Honor your intuition as what you share. Try not to judge yourself... because the mind may get confused but the heart is clear.






























Old Version


Create Sacred Space

Before students enter the space, clear and cleanse the space and selves with sage (Non-Verbal)


Create a sanctuary of light


I (Insert Name), call upon John, My Beloved Son in Heaven, All the powers in Heaven, All the Powers in the Universe aligned with pure love, Truth and Light to be here now and assist me to serve the children of light.


Create with your hands moving from your heart center outstretched and around visually including the space you want to seal, a real yet invisible circular wall of pure protective light, allowing only energies, serving the most sacred and holiest of purpose that are aligned with pure love and light to enter the sacred inner space of this sanctuary of light. We intentionally create protective walls of light that surround and protect this sacred sanctuary, walls of light that are infinitely high, stretching into space and the highest heavens and infinitely deep stretching through the earth, below the earth to the infinite depths of all creation.


Yet somehow creating a sphere of light focused pranic energy that is the pranamaya kosha, the spere of light channels 360 sustaining your physical body... it includes this sacred ceremony space. 


We seal this space with pure love and light, this space is now a sacred space by the power of our word and intention, only the highest vibrations of Truth, Love Peace and Light are allowed to enter this space. We offer this space to the purpose of deepening self love for all peace and the highest good of all the participants, that they connect ever more deeply to their Divine Inner Self, Inner Guru, Inner Lover and Beloved.


Create a sanctuary of light

I your name, call upon John, My Beloved Son in Heaven, All the powers in Heaven, All the Powers in the Universe aligned with pure love, Truth and Light to be here now and assist me to serve the children of light.

Create with your hands moving from your heart center outstretched and around visually including the space you want to seal, a real yet invisible circular wall of pure protective light, allowing only energies, serving the most sacred and holiest of purpose that are aligned with pure love and light to enter the sacred inner space of this sanctuary of light. We intentionally create protective walls of light that surround and protect this sacred sanctuary, walls of light that are infinitely high, stretching into space and the highest heavens and infinitely deep stretching through the earth, below the earth to the infinite depths of all creation.



Allow students and participants to enter the sacred space by saging each person as they arrive.


Bless the space

We bless this space with pure love, pure light, infinite peace, miracles, beauty and grace

We bless each beloved present with sacred and pure love, light, beauty, grace, an open heart and mind and a peace that passes all understanding.

We surround this space with the miraculous power of love, knowing we are an equal corner of the Infinite Universe. We are equal beings of the Universe coming together in great love and peace for the purpose of deepening our self love and aligning with our deepest truth and service to our soul and the God of our understanding.


Calling in Beings of Light

We call upon the all loving beings known and unknown, that are wholly aligned with absolute Truth, pure love and pure light, who have our highest and greatest good at heart and wish to assist us, serve us, heal us and open us up to receive your wisdom and healing. We invite you to open our consciousness in a safe and powerful way so that we are more expansive and able to serve in higher ways. Thank you for blessing us with your holy presence for this ceremony

We invite the guardians of light, all loving powers of the Universe, John, Our Beloved, all past loved ones and ancestors aligned with pure love and light. We invite into this sacred space all willing Spiritual masters, angels, arch angels, spirit guides, sacred lineage, ancestors and beings of the light who are aligned with pure love and light to serve the highest and greatest good of all present here now.

We bless this space with pure love, pure light, infinite peace, miracles, beauty and grace

We bless each beloved present with sacred and pure love, light, beauty, grace, an open heart and mind and a peace that passes all understanding.

We surround this space with the miraculous power of love, knowing we are an equal corner of the Infinite Universe. We are equal beings of the Universe coming together in great love and peace for the purpose of deepening our self-love and aligning with our deepest truth and service to our soul, our community, the Universe and the God of our understanding.

Thank you to all who have come, our gratitude and love are unending. Amen.


Calling in the Directions

Four Directions Prayer

Creator, it is I. Thank you for today's sunrise, for the breath and life within me, and for all of your creations. Creator hear my prayer and honor my prayer.

Calling in the power of the energies of the East…

As the day begins with the rising sun, I ask, spirit keeper of the east, Brother Eagle, be with me. Fly high as you carry my prayers to the creator. May I have eyes as sharp as yours, so I am able to see truth and hope on the path I have chosen. Guide my step and give me courage to walk the circle of my life with honesty and dignity.

Calling in the energies of the South…

Spirit keeper of the south, Wolf, be with me. Help me to remember to love and feel compassion for all mankind. Help me to walk my path with joy and love for myself, for others, for the four legged, the winged ones, the plants and all creation upon Mother Earth. Show me it is right for me to make decisions with my heart, even if at times, my heart becomes hurt. Help me to grow and nurture my self-worth in all ways.

Calling in the energies of the West…

Spirit keeper of the west, Brown Bear, be with me. Bring healing to the people I love and to myself. Bring into balance the physical, mental and spiritual, so I am able to know my place on this earth, in life and in death. Heal my body, heal my mind and bring light, joy and awareness to my spirit.

Calling in the energies of the North…

Spirit keeper of the north, White Buffalo, be with me. As each day passes, help me to surrender, with grace, the things of my youth. Help me to listen to the quiet and find serenity and comfort in the silences as they become longer. Give me wisdom so I am able to make wise choices in all things which are put in front of me, and when time for my change of worlds has come, let me go peacefully, without regrets, for the things I neglected to do as I walked along my path.

Mother Earth, thank you for your beauty, and for all you have given me. Remind me never to take from you more than I need and remind me to always give back more than I take.

- Vera Dery



We call on and open up the four directions, East, South, West, North, father sky and mother earth




Set the Intention… Self Love, Oneness Wedding

We come together in Community, yet as a sovereign individual, to vow our love and devotion to our own heart above all hearts. To marry our own Divine Heart, to be our own Divine lover and beloved. We are the one who is always present, who has never left, who will for all time and all eternity be here now. Knowing that our relationship with our own Self sets the foundation for all other relationships.

We pray to honor our deepest truth, in each sacred moment of our lives. To maintain alignment with the innermost truth of our being, to be impeccable with our word. To trust, respect and cherish our own precious heart.

We acknowledge today that the greatest treasure in all the Universe is found within our own sacred heart. We are the softest place to land for our own self, the most loving inner guide in good times and challenging times. We have eternal patience and kindness for our own self, praising and acknowledging often the pure goodness and radiant innocence that is the truth of our being.



Please hold the cacao to your heart. We invoke the spirit of the cacao, connecting deeply with the cacao plant medicine, medicine of the heart, of the mother Earth, of all that is good, sacred and beautiful within and without.

We connect with our own precious heart, our inner lover and beloved.

We give gratitude to our ancestors, for they are certainly here with us today.

We thank all those involved in bringing us this sacred medicine tonight… the growers, the harvesters, the roasters. The cacao trees and beans, the waters that fed the cacao forests.


Sacrament, Taking the Cacao

We dive deeply and silently into the sacred chamber of our own precious heart, into the sacred Self and with the greatest self love, we drink the medicine slowly now in silence.

Allowing this food of the Gods to run through our veins and transform our hearts, to forgive our selves and others, to open our minds to new horizons and higher perspectives.

Connecting with our own inner medicine, our own sacred heart, we open our hearts to infinite expanses of love and compassion toward the Self, other’s, the world and the God of our understanding.

We release all fears, opening our hearts to the fullness of joy, that is our birthrite.

We allow the voice of the cacao to awaken our full self expression, our deepest love for Self and all life.

We allow the plant medicine of the cacao to rebalance our inner energies for physical strength, happiness and fortitude.

We trust our own Self, as trust is the foundation of love, trusting our own heart to guide us through our life’s journey, expanding our vision and living in our magnificence, knowing that to love our own Self is the greatest act as well as the greatest love story ever!

Ah HO!

Prayer for the offering of cacao…

I take this sacred cacao plant medicine into my body, mind and heart to purify and heal the deepest places within my being and allow Peace to reign, Peace to find a permanent home within me now and in all times and circumstances. I take this plant with gratitude unending, gratitude toward the cacao plant, those who harvested the plant and all those who were involved in bringing it into my ceremony and life this moment so in partnership we can receive this ceremony and the eternal peace we intend together.

Drink the cacao slowly now…



It is time to sit in silent stillness dwelling deep within our own hearts and open to receive the blessings of the cacao plant medicine.



Sacred Chanting drum and rattle

Dancing and music


Closing Circle


Return to the circle and move into savasana

Circle around for closing blessing

Closing Blessing

We close this sacred circle in great peace, love and gratitude, sealing in all the gifts of inner transformation we have received, we have planted the seeds of deep abiding self-love and the blessings of peace and love within our hearts and we allow them to grow with our loving attention. We intend for the roots of radical self-love and adoration to deepen and the branches of inner peace to spread into all our actions, the words we speak and the thoughts we think. We weed out anything that is not aligned with the truth of peace, love and truth within us to allow our body, mind and spirit to deepen in the Truth of all loving peace within and without.

We are the embodiment of all loving Peace, we claim this to be true, and we know nothing can threaten the pure peace, light and love that is our truest nature, we give thanks for the truth of our being, for the eternal Source that sustains our existence. for creating us as pure Love and Peace eternal, knowing as we express love for our own self, peace toward our own being, we extend love and peace to all those in our lives. We send love, peace and gratitude to our blessed hearts and the Divine Source of our understanding.

It is done, Amen, A ho, Om

Namaste, I honor the place in you in which the entire Universe dwells, I honor the place in you which is of love, peace, light and truth. When I am in that place in you and you are in that place in me, we are one, Namaste.

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