Ecstatic Yoga Immersions
Immersions Directory
Body Temple
Ecstatic Yoga 200 hr YTT Homework
-Reading; Patanjali's Yoga Sutras
-Self Love, Eye Gazing; Samadhi Eye Gazing Self Love
-Mindfulness, Walking Meditation; Samadhi Walking Meditation
-Self Reflection; Journaling & Contemplation; Samadhi Journal Writing
Week One
Science of Yoga- By Ann Swanson
pages 10 & 11 Cell to System
Pages Pages 46-52 Poses Seated (Accomplished), Bound Angel (Baddhakonasana, Butterfly), Cat.
The Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book. By Kelly Solloway
Pages 15 & 27 Poses Forward Fold, Warrior II, Revolved Triangle, Handstand, Scorpion
Vocabulary & Systems of the Body
Week Two
Science of Yoga
By Ann Swanson
Pages 12-15 Skeletal System
Pages 56-67 Poses Cow, Cow face, Side Bend
The Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book.
By Kelly Solloway
Pages 30-38 Poses Half Moon, Extended Side Angle
Skeletal System & Joints
Week Three
Science of Yoga, by Ann Swanson
Pages 16 & 17 Joints
Pages 68-81 Poses Seated Twist, Childs Pose, Camel, King Pigeon
The Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book. By Kelly Solloway
Pages 39-47 Poses Eagle, Staff, Side Plank, Tree
Types of Connective Tissue
Week Four
Science of Yoga, by Ann Swanson
Pages 18-21 Muscles
Pages 87-97 Poses Mountain, Forward Fold, Chair
The Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book. By Kelly Solloway
Pages 49-55 Poses Seated Forward Bend, Four Limbed Staff, Downward Dog
The Muscular System
Week Five
Science of Yoga, by Ann Swanson
Pages 22-27 Nervous System
Pages 98-109 Poses Cresent Lunge, Warrior II, Warrior III
The Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book. By Kelly Solloway
Pages 56-65 Poses Seated Twist, Headstand, Bow, Cow Face, Head to Knee
Neck and Shoulder Muscles
Week Six
Science of Yoga, by Ann Swanson
Pages 28 & 29 Endocrine System
Pages 110- 121 Poses Tree, Dancer, Triangle
The Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book. By Kelly Solloway
Pages 66-73 Up Dog, Crow, King Dancer, Reclined Hand to Toe Pose
Upper and Forearm Muscles
Week Seven
Science of Yoga, by Ann Swanson
Pages 30-33 Respiratory System
Pages 124 -135 Poses Downward Facing Dog, Headstand, Half Shoulder Stand
The Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book. By Kelly Solloway
Pages 74-85 Poses Warrior II, Chair, Lotus, Tortoise, Frog, Cobra
Muscles of the Upper Torso
Week Eight
Science of Yoga, by Ann Swanson
Pages 34 & 35 Cardiovascular System
Pages 136-149 Poses Bridge, Wheel, Crow
The Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book. By Kelly Solloway
Pages 86-95 Camel, Childs Pose, Reclining Hero, Warrior I, Side Plank Variation
Muscles of the lower torso and core
Week Nine
Science of Yoga, by Ann Swanson
Pages 36 & 37 Lymphatic System
Pages 150-161 Poses Plank, Side Plank, Cobra
The Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book. By Kelly Solloway
Pages 96-101 Plow, One Leg Royal Pigeon, Extended Triangle
Muscles of the Pelvis
Week Ten
Science of Yoga, by Ann Swanson
Pages 38 & 39 Digestive System
Pages 162-173 Poses Locust, Supine Leg Stretch, Supine Twist
The Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book. By Kelly Solloway
Pages 102-107 Poses Wide-Legged Forward Fold, Garland, Standing Forward Bend
Muscles of the front and back of the legs
Week Eleven
Science of Yoga, by Ann Swanson
Page 40 & 41 Urinary and Reproductive System
The Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book. By Kelly Solloway
Pages 108-111 Poses Extended Hand to Toe, Pyramid
Muscle of the Medial Side of the Leg
Week Twelve
Complete any unfinished homework, practicums, lessons