Ecstatic Yoga Workbook
30 Day Mindfulness Challenge
Basking in the Nectar
EY30 Day Mindfulness Challenge, Basking in the Nectar
Each year we are blessed by winter, the season of the north.
Introspection, resting in the womb of the Universe, surrendring into the crysalis of the unknown, sinking our roots into the Earth. Challenge yourself to release challenge, striving, producing and open up to the natural flow of the season... necessary time for restore, basking in and receiving the fruits of your labor. The 30 day meditations below invite a receptive and feminine more yin energy practice. You can practice for 10 minutes a day to support aligning with your tue nature and basking in the ecstasy of your Infinite Soul Power. Each 10 min. meditation has a anchor or focus for your attention that allows the mind to become more still and present. You will also discover your preference for the anchors for
The catepillar cannot reorganize and evolve into the butterfly without its time in the crysalis. The tree cannot expand it's branch's and thicken it's trunk without it's time of unproductivity during winter when its roots deepen further into Earth. Let us deepen our awareness passionately into our Soul Presence, The Eternal Self so it can awaken into a more evolved and ecstatic form of expression in this life.
Day 1 10 minute
Day 2 10 minute
Day 3 10 minute
Day 4 10 minute
Day 5 10 minute
Day 6 10 minute
Day 7 10 minute
Day 8 10 minute
Day 9 10 minute
Day 10 10 minute
Day 11 10 minute
Day 12 10 minute
Day 13 10 minute
Day 14 10 minute
Day 15 10 minute
Day 16 10 minute
Day 17 10 minute
Day 18 10 minute
Day 19 10 minute
Day 20 10 minute
Day 21 10 minute
Day 22 10 minute
Day 23 10 minute
Day 24 10 minute
Day 25 10 minute
Day 26 10 minute
Day 27 10 minute
Day 28 10 minute
Day 29 10 minute
Day 30 10 minute
Bonus 10 minute